Der Golfplatz (Sommergrüns) und die Übungsgelände sind geöffnet.
Sundowner: Bei einem Start ab 14:30 Uhr erhalten Gäste ein ermäßigtes Greenfee.
Das Gourmet-Tempelchen, unser Halfway House, ist in der Winterpause. Für Ihr leibliches Wohl steht das Team unseres Clubrestaurants bereit (Montag Ruhetag).
Für Fragen und Anliegen jeglicher Art steht Ihnen unser Clubsekretariat sehr gern zur Verfügung.
The parklike Par 72 course can be reached within approximately 20 minutes, by car, from Frankfurt's city centre and surrounding districts.
The layout and design of the course invites you to play risk and reward or safer strategy golf. Water awaits errant and foolish shots.
Take the time to enjoy a great variety of plants, fruiting trees, flowers and general natural habitat whilst you play the game.
In almost every season nature can be enjoyed in all it's facettes and is often in abundance.
The course is a Dr. Wolfgang Siegmann design.
10 Greenkeepers attend to the course. Their work is highly regarded.
Training Facilities
Complimenting the Driving Range, the Pitch & Chipping area and the Putting Green, we are also equipped with a Flight Scope and also two cutting-edge Scope-Video systems, available also for left handers, for teaching activities.
28 practice balls for the driving range can be obtained at a cost of € 2,00 for members of the club. For junior members the cost is € 1,50.
Access to the balls can be purchased in the Proshop, or if the Shop is closed, in the Secretarie's office.
Flightscope and Scope-Systems
The Flightscope is a radar tracking device which measures the flight of the ball therefore calculating the movement of the club through the impact zone. Data and Information on, for example, clubhead movement, speed, ball trajectory, spin rates and distance are extremely acurately measured and can be analysed, in conjunction with the Scope Systems visual informations, allowing incredibly excellent options for the trainer to understand what is happening during the player's shots.
Handicap Tables and Ratings
The Handicap Index of each individual player coupled with the individual course rating with regard to degree of difficulty of any given course make it possible for unequal players to compete amongst one another in a fair fashion.
Rating of the Courses
To be exact, the better player must play each hole with fewer shots in order to play the hole in the same amount as the player of lesser quality.
Course-/Playing Handicap Table
Score Calculator
You'll find our Score Calculator at the Albatros Web Services (AWS)
As PDF-log: Local Course Rules
1. Aus (Regel 18.2)
Kommt ein Ball auf oder jenseits des Weges rechts von Bahn 1 zur Ruhe, ist er im Aus. Ein Ball, der beim Spielen der Bahn 1 auf der Bahn 2 zum Liegen kommt, gilt als im Aus befindlich.
Während des Spielens der Bahn 9 ist die gesamte Fläche rechts der Bahn 9 – gekennzeichnet durch weiß-grüne Pfosten – Aus.
Beim Spielen der Bahn 10 gelten die grün-weißen Pfosten als unbewegliche Hemmnisse.
2. Ungewöhnliche Platzverhältnisse (Regel 16-1)
Als Boden in Ausbesserung, von dem nicht gespielt werden darf, gelten
durch blaue Pfosten oder weiße Markierungen gekennzeichnete Flächen,
alle Rosen-, Lavendelrabatten und Blumenbeete,
alle Flächen innerhalb der mit gelben Seilen verbundenen grünen Posten,
die mit Stützpfosten versehenen Junganpflanzungen.
Es muss Erleichterung in Anspruch genommen werden.
Nach Wahl des Spielers darf Kot von Wasservögeln behandelt werden als
loser hinderlicher Naturstoff, der nach Regel 15.1 entfernt werden darf, oder
Boden in Ausbesserung, von dem Erleichterung nach Regel 16.1 zulässig ist.
Behinderung nach dieser Regel ist nicht gegeben, wenn nur die Standposition betroffen ist.
3. Spielverbotszonen
Die durch rote Pfosten mit grünen Köpfen gekennzeichneten Bereiche sind Spielverbotszonen, die als Penalty Areas zu behandeln sind. Bei Behinderung durch die Spielverbotszone muss Erleichterung nach Regel 17 in Anspruch genommen werden.
4. Unbewegliche Hemmnisse (Regel 16.1)
Als unbewegliche Hemmnisse gelten
die mit gelben Seilen verbundenen grünen Posten auf den Fairways der Bahnen 8 und 10,
der Grenzstein auf dem Fairway der Bahn 5,
alle Mülleimer, Informationstafeln, Sitzbänke und andere künstliche Gegenstände.
5. Erleichterung für Ball in Penalty Area (Wasserhindernis) an den Grüns der Bahnen 9 & 18
Falls Regel 17.1 (innerhalb zweier Schlägerlängen nicht näher zum Loch) nicht angewendet werden kann, darf der Ball in der dafür eingerichteten Dropping Zone gedroppt werden.
6. Provisorischer Ball bei den Penalty Areas (Wasserhindernis) an den Bahnen 9 und 18
An den Bahnen 9 und 18 ist es zulässig, einen provisorischen Ball zu spielen, wenn unklar ist, ob der Ball im Wasserhindernis gelandet ist.
7. Dropping Zone (DZ) für Abschlag gelb (Herren) an Bahn 9
Wer vom Herrenabschlag (gelb) an Bahn 9 seinen Ball in die Penalty Area (Wasserhindernis) vor dem Abschlag schlägt, darf von der DZ aus, links vom Damenabschlag, weiterspielen.
8. Dropping Zonen (DZ) auf Bahn 18
Die Dropping Zone auf dem Fairway der Bahn 18 ist ausschließlich für Damen angelegt. Die weitere Dropping Zone (hinter dem Grün) ist für alle nutzbar.
1. Entfernungsmarkierungen bis Anfang Grün:
Pfosten mit 3 Ringen: 200 m
Pfosten mit 2 Ringen: 150 m
Pfosten mit 1 Ring: 100 m
2. Signale:
- Spielunterbrechung: wiederholt 3 kurze Töne
- sofortiges Aussetzen des Spiels wegen Gefahr: ein langer Signalton
- Signal für Wiederaufnahme des Spiels: wiederholt 2 kurze Töne
Unabhängig hiervon kann jede/r Spieler/in bei Blitzgefahr das Spiel eigenverantwortlich abbrechen (Regel 5.7a).
3. Verhaltensvorschriften (Regel 1.2b)
Ein Fehlverhalten bzw. ein schwerwiegendes Fehlverhalten liegt vor, wenn gegen traditionell herausgebildete und allgemein anerkannte Verhaltensregeln im Golfsport nachhaltig verstoßen wird. Als Fehlverhalten kann insbesondere angesehen werden:
- das Versäumnis, den Platz zu schonen (z. B. Bunker nicht zu harken, Divots nicht zurückzulegen oder Pitchmarken nicht auszubessern),
- mit dem Trolley zwischen Grün und daran angrenzendem Bunker hindurchzufahren bzw. über das Vorgrün zu fahren,
- der Missbrauch von Schlägern oder dem Platz,
- unakzeptable Wortwahl,
- Rücksichtslosigkeit gegenüber anderen Spielern, Referees oder Zuschauern.
Strafe für Verstoß:
Erster Verstoß: Verwarnung
Zweiter Verstoß: 1 Strafschlag
Dritter Verstoß: Grundstrafe (2 Strafschläge)
Vierter Verstoß: Disqualifikation
Sanktionen während des Turniers durch die Spielleitung
Strafe für Verstoß gegen eine Platzregel: Grundstrafe
Stand: 1. Mai 2023

The principle ideoligies of the Club are quite simple. First and foremost is mutual respect, courtesy and reservedness towards one another. Guests enjoy a heartfelt welcome.
The club enjoys and respects it's private nature and also the privacy of it's membership.
Clubmembership is limited to 600 active players.
An active member is anyone who, irrespective of age or length of membership tenure, pays a full annual subscription fee.
We support and encourage children and youths.
Every 6th member is a junior member.
For membership requests please use our membership bid in conjunction with our terms of admission. Our clubmanagement is on hand to assist you with any other requests or queries.
Cost of Active Membership
Apart from the yearly subscription fees which, currently, amounts to € 1.950,00, there is an added yearly investment, during the first 20 years of membership, of € 735,00 (in total € 14.700,00) expected. It is possible that the investment contribution, upon granting of reductions for lengthier membership commitment, to be prepaid in sections en fond perdu.
Period | Amount of Investment |
1 | 735,00 |
5 | 3.270,00 |
10 | 6.000,00 |
perpetual | 10.900,00 |
perpetual (from 70 years on) | 5.450,00 |
Our junior programme seeks and succeeds in giving support to our, over one hundred, junior players. This task is one of our favourites and we go about it with diligence and care.
Together with our Junior coordinator and our specialist junior Trainers we strive to encourage and promote sport activities as well as the social development of our aspiring golfing offspring. Embedded in our work is the support we give regarding the contact amongst, and with, the adult membership.
Our competetive juniors are introduced into the club's teams as early as seen fit, enabling an early introduction into regional and then national Tournament play.
These forms are necessary for the application for Membership of the Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof.
The Golfcourse is generally very easily accessible.
From the city centre of Frankfurt, Frankfurt Airport, from Oberursel, Bad Homburg, Hanau and Offenbach the route takes you from the A661 and the B3 then take the exit Bad-Dortelweil. From all these directions a drive of approximately only 20 minutes can be expected.
The most southern point of the region of the Wetterau (where the golf course Lindenhof is situated) was first inhabited by settlers of the Neolithic era 7,000 years ago. The landscape surrounding the golf course was and indeed is continually shaped and moulded by the river Nidda which winds its way around the course. In earlier times its was known for its abundance of fish as it meandered through the lands. The Romans appreciated the fertility and the microclimatic conditions of the southern Wetterau which is one of the warmest regions of the State of Hessen. The golf course lies above an old Roman road, which, at that time joined two earlier Roman estates. Following the retreat of the Romans in the year of 269 after Christ, the settlement of this fertile region continued and flourished.
In the late Middle Ages the village of Dortelweil and its district, where the course substantially resides, was adjoined with the neighbouring Free Imperial City of Frankfurt. The city sought to develop a close relationship to the village. In order to impede the siege of Frankfurt, the villagers of Dortelweil destroyed their entire harvest and provisions. This resulted in the enemy setting the whole village in flames. Due to its willingness to make such large sacrifices, the Free Imperial City of Frankfurt thus felt henceforth united to the small village of Dortelweil. This connection, however didn't spare the indebted and bound village much sorrow and grief during the ensuing centuries of war and such.
Bad Vilbeler Golfclub Lindenhof e.V.
Lehnfurther Weg 1
61118 Bad Vilbel – Dortelweil
Anne Wenzel (Clubmanager)
Alexandra Kau-Born
Aline Seehof
Sylke Grunenberg
Regina Sarroca-Espi
Tel.: 06101 989 373-0
E-Mail: info [at] bvgc [.] de
Anne Wenzel
Tel.: 06101 989 373-33
E-Mail: anne [.] wenzel [at] bvgc [.] de
Petar Arsenic
Tel.: 06101 / 5245-140
E-Mail: über externes Kontaktformular
Golf Professionals
Jonathan Wilson – Head Professional
Mobil: 0175 / 5748 769
E-Mail: jonathan [.] wilson [at] bvgc [.] de
Lesson Unit: 25min € 33,00
Peter Jäger – DGV A-Trainer
Mobil: 0179 / 5980 645
E-Mail: peter [.] jaeger [at] bvgc [.] de
Lesson Unit: 25min € 30,00
Thomas Kubiak – DGV B-Trainer
Mobil: 0172 / 9961 565
E-Mail: thomas [.] kubiak [at] bvgc [.] de
Lesson Unit: 25min € 30,00
Bengt Plaschke – DGV B-Trainer
Mobil: 0175 / 5215 420
E-Mail: bengt [.] plaschke [at] bvgc [.] de
Lesson Unit: 25min € 30,00
Wolfgang Chodzinski
Tel.: 06101 / 989 373-44
Email: caddymaster [at] bvgc [.] de
Golfclub Workshop
Jonathan Wilson
Mobil: 0175 / 5748 769
E-Mail: jonathan [.] wilson [at] bvgc [.] de
Manfred Jehner – Head-Greenkeeper
Email: manfred [.] jehner [at] bvgc [.] de
Hans-Jürgen Nitsch
Daniela Staubesand
E-Mail: info [at] bvgc [.] de
Pro Shop
Golf- & Sportmode Born GmbH
Ilse Born
Tel.: 06101 / 989 373-22
Fax: 06101 / 989 373-73
E-Mail: proshop [at] bvgc [.] de
General Information
Guests recieve a warm welcome at all times.
Reservations can be made at the Secretaries Office – Tel.-Nr. 06101 / 989 373-0. The office is open for enquiries from Tuesday - Friday from 9:00 a. m., Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays from 8:00 a. m. onwards. On Mondays the office opens at 1:00 p. m.
Beyond the offices' opening hours please use the envelopes at tee 1 resp. next to the secretary's office to settle the greenfee.
Greenfees with summer greens
- from Monday to Friday: EUR 90,00
- weekends and bank holidays: EUR 100,00
Greenfees during winter (winter greens)
- from Monday to Friday: EUR 70,00
- on weekends and bank holidays: EUR 80,00
Inclusive in the 18-hole-greenfee are 28 practice balls to warm up with on the Driving Range. Also included is a guest voucher of EUR 1,50 for use at the Gourmet-Temple, situated on the tenth tee. When the halfway house is closed, the voucher might be used in our club restaurant.
For evening rounds – our Sundowner – practice balls and voucher are not included.
The Greenfee for the „Sundowner-Round“
amounts to
- Monday to Friday: € 50,--
- Weekends and Bank Holidays: € 55,--
Guest use of the Practice Facilities
Guests are also welcome to use the practice facilities free of charge.
Driving Range
28 practice balls for the driving range can be obtained at a cost of € 4,00 for guests of the club. For junior guests the cost is € 3,00.
Access to the balls can be purchased in the Proshop or outside of the Shop's opening hours in the Secretaries office.
The Range has 30 hitting mats in total of which 8 are covered. The use of grass whilst practicing is seasonally possible.
We would be pleased to help you organise an Invitational Tournament or Corporate Event as guest of the Golfclub.
The only requirements are the compatibility
with Club events and functions.
The Clubs Secretaries office – Tel 06101 / 989 373-0 – opens from Tuesday to Friday at 9:00 am, saturdays, sundays and on bank holidays from 9:00 am and mondays from 1:00 pm.
E-Mail: info [at] bvgc [.] de
The character of the clubhouse is formed by by it's innersquare courtyard which offers a peaceful and protective ambience especially during the spring and autumn months.
The most special point of attraction, however, is the Terrasse which lies on the banks of a lake within which Japanese Koi Carp inhabitat it's waters.
Children enjoy feeding these colourful fish from the footbridge. for the adults it is much more interesting watching the toils, foils and heroics taking place as golfers, out on the course, battle it out on hole 9 and especially those finishing their rounds over the lake to the 18th green.
During the evening hours the atmosphere on the terrasse can become very romantic.
The restaurant anjoys an aura of sedateness. The kitchen and it's cellar compete with one another on a very high niveau without being snobbish.
The clubhouse has 200 qm of functional space within which, amongst other things, post tournament events and prize givings take place.
The Gourmet Temple – our halfway house – is situated adjacent to the Tee Box of hole number 10. It is a very, very popular place.
Guests (“Sundowner”-players excepted) receive a 1,50 Euro discount when presenting their Greenfee ticket at the Gourmet Tempel resp. in the club restaurant.
It is closed as of October 28th 2022 and opens again in spring 2023. Golfers may take a break after hole 9 in the club restaurant.
Besides offering a warm reception, fresh fruits, various cakes made by the local bakery Rumpf, a selected variety of teas and coffees, freshly on-site baked croissants and pretzels, drinks by the Hassia-Group, Frankfurter sausages, beef sausages or – when ordering via intercom at the tee of hole 9 – e.g. fresh tarte flambée can be enjoyed there.
Just like in the good old days…
the Caddy Master takes care of the ins, outs and doings within the 500sq.m. Caddyhall. Expect the following services:
- storage and preparation for play of golf bags
- cleaning of clubs and shoes
- drying of wet golf clothes
- charging of electric trolley batteries
- and so on and so forth.
You are provided with an all-round service.
Trollies are provided free of charge against a deposit at the Caddy Master.
The costs for a complete set of golf clubs including a golf bag amount to € 15.- per day and for an individual golf club € 2.- per golf club.
We provide Electric Golfcarts for a fee of 30.- € for players with physical disabilities subject to approval by the secretaries office and the conditions of the course.
The Golf Club Repair-workshop is run by the experienced Head-Professional Jonathan Wilson and offers you a quick and professional full service: The readjustment of loft and lie, grip and shaft replacement, and general club fitting services are offered. Grips can be replaced while you wait.
The Pro-Shop – Tel.: 06101 / 989 373-22 – opens from 10 a.m. from Tuesday to Sunday. Mondays is a day of rest.
It is not only a very well stocked shop but also a place to express yourself freely in all aspects.
You will find a broad range of products with brands such as Chervo – Sportalm – Cross – Nike – Alberto – Ecco – Callaway – Taylor Made – Foot Joy – Titleist – TiCad, as well as a lot of exclusive and trending fashions not to mention everything for the daily needs of each player of the game.
For more information about this main focusing point in the life of the club visit Junior Programme and Junior Training in our Calendar
A fact that needs to be admitted: Golf is sometimes frustrating even for the most experienced golf professionals. Keep calm, continue and enjoy it when the frustration turns, once again, into joy and pleasure.
A lot of sports – like soccer or ski jumping – are often operated from a couch, by staring at a TV screen.
A simple and enjoyable possibility to come into initial contact with our wonderful game is offered followingly Beginners Training, for groups of 2-8 people to enjoy their first steps.
In order to be allowed to play "on course" golf without being accompanied by a golf professional, it is necessary to have the so-called "playing licence” which can be considered as a kind of “driver’s licence for the golf course”. It ensures your protection and the protection of other players.
As an incentive for your business partners and/or employees, we offer individually tailored golf events for business corporations. Working together, we can develop a golf-package that meets your expectations and requirements.